Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Voice Biometrics Market Projections (2009–2011)

According to ThirdFactor, Opus Research predicts the voice biometrics market will grow from $139.4 million (2009) to $225.8 million in 2010, to $260.1 million in 2011. This represents a substantial 62% increase 2009-2010, but only a 15% increase 2010-2011.

I’m puzzled by the % growth decrease (i.e., 62%-->15%) projected for next year. I would expect % growth to continue increasing once voice biometrics systems gain momentum in the marketplace.

What say you?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Siegy -- Quick clarification: Third Factor is not quoting the correct numbers for the Opus Research forecast.

    Here's a post that includes the latest market forecast numbers for voice biometrics:

    thanks! -
    Derek Top
    Director of Research, Opus Research
