Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why are Help Desk Agents Still Resetting Passwords?

I’ve seen estimates that 40%+ of help desk transactions are password reset related. Voice biometrics can enable users to reset their own passwords without help desk intervention. Automated self-service password reset applications provide significant benefits to the IT organization, including:

1) Reduces costs – no need for live agent
2) Improves service – available 24/7, never a wait for a live agent and faster service

3) Increases security – voice biometrics is more secure than challenge questions to verify a user’s identity questions

Automated password resets is a relatively simple process. The user calls the help desk IVR, selects the password reset option, enters one factor of authentication (e.g., account number) and validates their identity by providing a voiceprint sample. Once the user's identity is verified, the system generates a new password and either emails or speaks it over the phone.

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